Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Senate Intrigue

Greetings readers and happy new year! The Patriot is energized by two weeks off from working and blogging and has digested several news cycles in his never ending quest to keep you, the reader, informed about hidden agendas, abuse of the public fisc and a general disregard for the will of the people evinced by our "leaders" in Congress and the White House.

Without delay, I urge the immediate appointment of Senator Burris from Chicago and Senator Franken from Minnesota. We all know Harry Reid is a pussy-that's not news-but he has come out in favor of seating Franken so I urge you all to write to the great ballless one and urge him to continue his public support of the erstwhile comic turned legislator. For fucks sake, Franken is EXACTLY the sort of senator this country needs. He would be a great foil for the do-nothing assholes currently posing as Democrats.

As for Burris...well, Blagojevich has neither been convicted nor indicted and his (Burris) resume is rock solid. So, in the spirit of the Constitution, which does not allow any additional qualifications to be added to the job, let the man get to work. The pussy dems are hewing to the CNN party line and coming out against Blagojevich because of the public performance of a US Attorney General who has presented nothing other than politics as usual in his attempt to launch his career a la Elliott Ness.

I'm a lawyer and know full well that an accusation, unsupported by evidence, means shit. From what I hear on the new the US "attorney" has shit, by that I mean nothing, on the Illinois Governor. The whole thing sounds like a Republican plan to disrupt the government before King Obama takes office. Chicago, Whitewater, don't be fooled again! I love you all.

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