Tuesday, November 13, 2007

$12 Billion Per Month

CNN is reporting today that according to a recent congressional committee report the total economic impact of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is estimated to reach $1.6 trillion by 2009. The figure -- which includes the cost of borrowing to pay for the war, higher oil prices, and the cost of caring for wounded veterans -- is nearly double the $804 billion in direct war costs already requested. The committee calculated that the average cost of both wars for a family of four would be $20,900 from 2002 to 2008. The cost for a family of four would go up to $46,400 from 2002 to 2017.

The Democrats, who seemingly don’t care enough about the cost of the war to actually cut off financing, nevertheless made some small squealing noises when confronted with the reality that $12 billion per month is being paid to support our aimless wandering in the Iraqi desert. It is noteworthy that Dennis Kuchinich stands alone among the Democratic candidates running for president who is advocating an immediate withdrawal. While Kucinich has about as much of a chance at being elected President as I or Politicalspazz do, there is another Democrat with a better shot at the oval office who understands that cutting off Congressional financing for the war has to be the first step in any discussion of pulling out. John Edwards position is rather simple yet eminently reasonable. According to Edwards, “[w]e have to take the next step and cap funding to mandate a withdrawal. We don't need debate; we don't need non-binding resolutions; we need to end this war, and Congress has the power to do it.” The power, yes, the will, no.


Anonymous said...

Aww shucks, I was about to start my campaign for president down at the safeway this weekend!

Agreed congress is spineless in the face of the AIPAC lobby and the jack-booted neo-cons. What boogles the mind after reading the 1.6 trillion statistic, is that the Pentagon lost track of about 3 trillion between 2001 and 2004, when dual citizen Dov Zakheim was the Comptroller (after running that company that made remote-control aircraft overrides) - Jeez and just when we thought he was going to find the money for us, he instead resigned and retired to Israel. Dang it! What do the thinks the odds are Israel would return him to be questioned about that?

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