Friday, November 17, 2006

Ask and You Shall Receive

you should link to this on your blog:

A Good War Is Hard to Find: The Art of Violence in America (Paperback)
by David Griffith

Book Description
In the wake of Abu Ghraib, Americans have struggled to understand what
happened in the notorious prison and why. In this elegant series of essays,
inflected with a radical Catholic philosophy, David Griffith contends that
society's shift from language to image has changed the way people think
about violence and cruelty, and that a disconnect exists between images and
reality. Griffith meditates on images and literature, finding potent insight
into what went wrong at the prison in the works of Susan Sontag, Anthony
Burgess, and especially Flannery O’Connor, who often explored the gulf
between proclamations of faith and the capacity for evil. Accompanying the
essays are illustrated facts about torture, lists of torture methods and
their long-term effects, and graphics such as the schematics of the "pain
pathways" in the human body. Together, the images and essays endow the human
being with the complexity images alone deny.

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