Thursday, September 13, 2007

Martial Law

I was reading an excellent Nat Hentoff article on Civil Liberties in the Village Voice yesterday and I realized that no matter how vigilant one is about tracking the steady stream of bullshit emanating from the White House and Congress, it is very easy to miss things if you aren’t paying close attention. In a column titled, “As our civil liberties disappear, where are the Democrats?” (great title by the way) Hentoff reminded me exactly how freaky and scary these Republi-fascists have become in the last six years, and exactly how little the dems have done to stop them:

“Last year, buried in the 591-page Defense Appropriations Act—as civil- liberties watchdog John Whitehead and others have reported—the Republican-controlled 109th Congress, doubtless at the Bush/Cheney administration's behest, inserted a provision that (in Whitehead's words) allows the president "to declare martial law and use the military as a domestic police force in response to a natural disaster, disease outbreak, terrorist attack or any 'other condition' " that undermines public order. (Emphasis added.)

How much due process would these military-police roundups of suspected internal enemies give those prisoners? And how long will that military power be in effect domestically?
Has Geoffrey Stone forgotten James Madison's warning: "A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive, will not long be safe companions to liberty"?

Let’s see, which Democrats crossed the isle to vote for this piece of shit? Surprise! Almost all of them. This bill the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The totals were 407 Ayes, 19 Nays, 6 Present/Not Voting. The Senate vote was even more of a disgrace, 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting. Your opposition party at work folks. I wonder if Halliburton is getting the contract to build these concentration camps?


Anonymous said...

They've got a good number of concentration camps already built, conveniently enough. See more here:

Christine said...

This seems a very prescient blog post in light of the tasering of a student who was asking uncomfortable questions of John Kerry at a U of Florida Q&A.