Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday's Editorial

Happy week-end readers. The Patriot has drifted a bit from his earlier avowed mission to make the Republicans look alike a bunch of fascist assholes. Frankly, at this point they don’t need my help. The old political adage that you don’t commit a homicide against someone who is effectively committing suicide rings true again. Unfortunately, watching Alberto Gonzalez get a good ass fucking on CNN hardly makes up for the inexcusable waste of life in Iraq. I have never seen a more deluded bunch of cranks in my life; willing to hold on to their twisted ideology at the expense of 3000 American and who knows how many Iraqi lives. I remember standing watching lower Manhattan burn a few days after 911 and having a conversation with my friend Lee about how the legal community should respond. We both agreed, even at that early date, that the biggest danger to the Republic was going to come from within. Well meaning patriots (small p) and some not too well meaning patriots used the death of 3000 Americans to push their own agendas which, as hindsight is making abundantly clear, was not in the national interest. The Republicans may be on the ropes about the conduct of the war, but they have succeeded in the public relations war. No one anymore in the main stream media questions why, in the aftermath of an attack by 20 Saudi Arabian religious zealots, the United States responded by invading a secular country who had no connection with Islamic terrorism. Democrats gave the administration a pass on that question. Every minute George Bush and the rest of his right-wing Christian evangelical freaks remain out of jail is a blot on American history and the repercussions will be felt for years. So enjoy the nice spring weather this week-end and consider voting Green next election. Back to Buddhism on Monday.

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