Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Please Shut the Hell Up

John Kerry is a moron. One week before mid-terms he’s going to college campuses and playing the funnyman knowing full well that the Republican slime machine is following him around looking for an opening to portray the spineless Democrats as soft on terror. The fact that two years after it really matters he decides to grow a set of balls and fight back against this latest Swift-boating attempt is all the more reason to loath the bastard. He already cost the Democrats one election and if he doesn’t shut the hell up he’s going to energize the Republican base and cost them another.

Of course the media is doing its part to help the Republicans make a mountain out of this very small mole-hill. Why is the main stream media reporting on Kerry’s comments like it is an important story? It is pure republican spin, as ephemeral as cotton candy but it is on the front page of every major daily and web site. Its bad enough that the media barons take millions of dollars for air time from candidates who blatantly lie about their opponents positions, but now they are hurling the mud themselves by giving credence to this Swift Boat nonsense.

His comment was right on the money, even though he disowned it. If the kiddies don’t master their lessons in college they might find themselves toting an M-16 through an Iraqi desert in a few years. As Kerry and the rest of the elitist politicians well know, only the poor working class kids end up having to fight in this country’s wars nowadays. A draft, which would distribute the burden of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq equally among all of the social classes, isn’t being considered despite the fact that the military is stretched to the breaking point. Of course the minute a draft is announced any lingering support for the war would evaporate like dew under an August sun.

This is, and always has been a war for profits. Why should the working class offer up its sons and daughters so Halliburton and its paid for lackeys in Washington can line their pockets with blood money?

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