Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nothing but Blue Skies...

Sorry, but here's a reminder of what happens when your party lurches to the center. From Salon's War Room:

"Not to get all Adam Nagourney on anybody, but here's a sobering reminder for anyone who might be thinking that Democratic control of the House and Senate will be the blossoming of all things bright and beautiful: In 1991 -- when Democrats held a much larger majority in the Senate than they will now -- Clarence Thomas was confirmed as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Eleven Democrats crossed over to vote for Thomas in '91. Ten of them are gone, and the 11th -- Alabama's Richard Shelby -- has long since become a Republican. Could another Clarence Thomas make it through the Democratically controlled Senate in 2007? Well, there will probably never be another nominee quite like Clarence Thomas -- we'd like to think that pubic hairs on Coke cans are what the lawyers call sui generis -- but it's worth noting that 22 Democrats voted to confirm John Roberts as chief justice last September. "

And they may have another opportunity to vote on a Supreme Court nominee within the next two years, God forbid. I think the base needs to keep the leftward pressure on lest the craven political animal lurking inside the soul of every politician, no matter the party, be released.

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