Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday Morning

Well it turned into quite a week-end. Louise’s party was great fun and I’m glad I got out of the house for it, even though the Ratdog show burned off all my energy the night before. I had a very pleasant conversation with Stephen Harrison who is running to replace the corrupt Republican Vito Fossella. Harrison gave a well-received speech about retaking congress and requested financial support for his campaign. Harrison may be a med-mal plaintiff’s lawyer in Brooklyn but I don’t hold it against him. I tried a case in front of the med-mal Judge Levine so we talked shop for a little while. Apparently his wife works for AIG. I sent the campaign an e-mail yesterday volunteering my time but as yet I haven’t heard back from them. The party had a succession of great bands; everything from rockabilly to salsa. I stayed too late, but not as late as Dave. I walked home around three am and he was still chugging along. We both spent quite a bit of time recovering on the couch. God it is so freaking hot out. I can’t wait to go diving this coming week-end if only to escape the 97 degree heat which is slowly spit-roasting the City. “Cooling sea breezes” my ass. Staten Island, like Long Island, tends to be more humid than the rest of the City. This creates grumpy Staten Islanders. The only place it is appreciably cooler is on the ferry ride itself, which I highly recommend as a way of beating the heat. Although the boats aren’t air-conditioned, the breeze in the harbor is always 10-15 degrees cooler than the ambient air temperatures on shore. It’s all relative though. It is supposed to hit 100 degrees today. Meanwhile the middle east continues to burn and the Israelis continue to bomb Lebanon. Clearly this has nothing to do with kidnapped soldiers and everything to do with the US troops in Iraq providing cover so Israel can try to get rid of Hezbollah. We made a real mess of things over there.

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