Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fancy New Blog

Hope you like the new blog design, the last one was so 2003. Becky is off to Greyfox today. I am somewhat loath to let her wander off into that seething mass of rednecks and hippies without me but her job has been getting her down lately so a few days on the hill and in the swimming hole will probably do her good. I am half contemplating taking the Amtrak to the town of Hudson on Saturday and meeting her, but with Louise’s party scheduled for that afternoon and the fact that I’d have to get up at 5am to catch the train, I’m just as happy to stay home.

They still haven’t given me my password for the computer so it looks like another day stuck in the cube. I haven’t worked in a cube since 1997; I’ve always had my own office. The lack of privacy is annoying but hey, I can put up with anything for seven hours a day. Anyway, the managers here are like ghosts; rarely seen.

It occurred to me last night that I can’t plan any solo scuba ventures this week-end because I don’t have a car. Doh! I was looking into diving at Lake Minnewaska in upstate New York, somewhere different from the quarry. I feel myself getting rusty after two weeks out of the water.

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